All you have to do pick your colors and we can make a 12 bud bouquet~ $6.95 or a 6 bud bouquet~$3.95. The WOOD ROSES also can be purchased individually for $ .50. Use the bouquets as thank you gifts, birthdays, school spirit functions, awareness events or just about anything you would use real roses.
Buy a few to add to your gift wrap- looks great on one of our bags! Add a few to a bottle of wine for a great hostess gift. Buy one of every color to use as glass charms-everyone has their own or use them as napkin rings- great for a tea party! The options are endless.
Hope this inspires you to come down and buy some roses! Tell us how you use them and we will add it to our blog.
Have a great week and don't forget about our Labor Day Bargain Hunting Sidewalk Sale!
Have a great week and don't forget about our Labor Day Bargain Hunting Sidewalk Sale!
Hmmmm I'm just curious if the wooden roses you talking about is natural or artificial, but if it's natural I have the guts that people might get interested to it so they could be able to buy wooden roses of yours.