Home Decor, Gifts and More

Decor tips, trends, and charming treasures for home and garden, gift ideas and much more!

Friday, April 1, 2011

"Spring" it up!

Spring has definitely sprung in So Cal!  High 80's today and it's only April 1st!  The Lady Bank's roses on my arbor have absolutely exploded in all their tiny little white rose splendor.  I wish so much I had planted them in the front yard instead of the back so everyone could enjoy them.  They only last for a little while and they bloom all at once, but I anticipate their glory every year.

It's time to put away the flannel sheets and heavy down comforters and bring out those crisp clean linens and lighter blankets...something that's on my agenda for this weekend!  Spring also seems to bring out the desire to spruce up and brighten up the indoors a little, as well.  I guess it's because of the gloomy days of winter, (not that we have too many of those here!), but none-the-less, I'm always anxious for a little something new when Spring rolls around.

Sprucing up could be as simple as a couple new dish towels in a bright fun pattern to liven up the kitchen, or some bright flowery scented votive candles in the bathroom...a welcome change from the spicy cinnamon scents of winter.

      I love adding a little nature to the indoors, too.  It could be as simple as some sea shells to a pretty container you already have.  Try pooling them around a pillar candle or fill an old silver bowl or antique compote dish ~ they don't have to go in the bathroom only!

Sea glass is so pretty used in the same way, as well!

If you've ever stopped by the shop, you know that we always have a plethora of little birdies and birds nests....why? ...because we LOVE them!  They are the perfect little pick up item.  They decorate the tiniest little corner anywhere.  They fit in any room and they make a sweet little gift.  And most of all, the SCREAM spring!  Our birds start at $1.95 (what?!!) yes, $1.95 and our little nests start at $1.75 and go up from there.  That's got to be the cheapest Spring decorating ever!
Laurie's mantel
Kitchen Shelf
LOVE the domes!  Everything looks better under them!